Microscope software suite, ”DeltaPix InSight”

Comprehensive and advanced, but intuitive and easy to use Microscope Software Suite for measurement, analysis, and control of microscopes, cameras, stages, and other connected equipment. The software is built by a basic package (free with all DeltaPix cameras) with optional modules for special functions, in order for the user only to get the functions required for the specific application

New 3D Topography UI in InSight
Microscope software basic features

InSight Basic

InSight with Extended Focus

Extended Focus, Exposure And Manual Stitching

InSight auto feature

Automation, Stage And Microscope Control

3D Topography

3D topography and Roughness measurement

Object Counting microscope software

Segmentation, Counting and Multiphase Analysis

Zeiss interface for InSight

Microscope And Stage Interface

Modern user interface

DeltaPix InSight has a modern and intuitive user interface based on the ribbon band style known from Microsoft Office 2010/2016. Functionality has been grouped logically, and the program is easy to use. DeltaPix InSight is a modular software allowing the operator to purchase modules as needed making DeltaPix InSight very efficient and affordable.


Each optical device, objective, and camera can be calibrated individually. In this way, several microscopes and other optical systems can be managed by the same software installation. Calibrations can be private or shared among all users of the computer.

Measurement and Annotation

Measurement and annotation are an important part of any quality control process. Obtain precise reproducible results through a variety of features found in DeltaPix InSight: • Ruler • Ellipse • Protractor • Three-point circle • Circle center distance • Point to line distance

Measurements can be done on still images or directly on the live camera image. Measurement precision and the measuring unit can be selected individually. A scale bar can automatically be inserted into images. By calibrating the optics in high-resolution mode, precision to fractions of a µm can be achieved. For each objective, the Depth-of-Field and the preferred fixed or relative exposure time can be defined.


Measurement results and images can easily be exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. This allows further data processing in a flexible way. Furthermore, the report can be automatically converted to a PDF report. The reporting does not require the installation of Microsoft Excel or a PDF writer. A measurement data from multiple object measurements can be appended into one flat comma-separated file for statistical use.

DeltaPix InSight Modules

DeltaPix InSight offers a range of additional software modules for specific applications. This allows you to tailor your software and microscope system into a dedicated high-performance tool for current and future challenges.


Extended Focus, Exposure, and Manual Stitching

Extended Focus

InSight has a state of the art Extended Focus function. Both manual and automatic Extended Focus is possible. The automatic function uses the focus motor automation. Extended Focus function can combine images at different focus levels into one single sharp image.

With Extended ExposureWith Extended Exposure

Extended Exposure

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.
With Extended ExposureWith Extended Exposure


With its intuitive user interface both automatic and manual stitching of single captured images, can be performed fast and precise with DeltaPix InSight.


Automation, Stage and Microscope Control

DeltaPix motorization modules make it is possible to add automatization and control for XY, focus, and zoom motors. The motorization modules can be combined with other software modules to allow the user to perform automated tasks like Extended Focus images with up to 250 focus positions, 3D topography of a sample surface, do scanning, time-lapse recording in up to 100 positions, looped image acquisition, and much more.


Topography 3D

Both manual and automatic topography imaging is possible. The topography function can combine images at different focus levels into one single 3D image in order to give a full analysis of the surface of the object.

3D topography of a screw

2D height profile from one point to another can be created.

2d measurment of a screw

Roughness Measurement

DeltaPix InSight offers a non-contact roughness measurement according to guidelines of ISO 25178-2:2012.

The software can be applied in various applications where surface textures need to be analyzed. The implementation of surface roughness measurement is based on the data collected from topography analysis thus the need for a third party adds on software is eliminated for most applications.


The data shown in a panel in the lower right corner is the results of the Roughness 3D calculations. 

Sq: Root mean square height of the surface

Ssk: Skewness of the surface

Sku: Kurtosis of the surface

Sp: Maximum peak height of the surface

Sv: Maximum pit height of the surface

Sz: Maximum height of the surface

Sa: Arithmetical mean height of the surface


The corresponding 2D parameters can also be calculated.

Rq: Root mean square height over the evaluation length.

Rsk: Skewness over the evaluation length.

Rku: Kurtosis over the evaluation length.

Rp: Maximum peak height over the evaluation length.

Rv: Maximum pit height over the evaluation length.

Rz: Maximum height over the evaluation length.

Ra: Arithmetical mean height over the evaluation length.

Additionally, The ISO 25178-2 volume parameters (aka. Bearing ratio curve parameters) can be calculated. These parameters are based on the Abbott-Firestone curve. This includes the

Vmp, Material peak volume

 Vmc, Material core volume

Vvc, Void core volume

 Vvv. Void valley volume

The roughness parameters are easily exported to an Excel spreadsheet along with rendered 2D/3D images.

Segmentation, Counting, and Multiphase Analysis

The Multiphase counting module can utilize up to four phases.
A counting phase is defined by a set of features, like RGB color range and geometrical features.

Preprocessing operations can be done using morphological erode or dilate operations.
Object discrimination is be done using the geometrical features area, M1, and Ferret minimum/maximum distance. The geometrical features can be:

  • Individual for each phase. This makes counting of objects with different geometrical features possible.
  • This means that all phases use the same geometrical features. Used when counting objects only segmented by color.

For multiphase counting, an area percentage of each object is calculated, this makes multiphase percentage calculations easy.

The setup is easy and intuitive with interactive fake-color marking of counted objects and an indication of rejected objects.

The counting result can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet for further processing and analysis. The Excel report generator does not require the installation of Excel.
PDF reports can also be generated directly.

All settings can be saved in a dedicated workspace – this makes switching between different counting scenarios quick and easy.

Multiphase counting

Microscope And Stage Interface

The Interface module can interface to a variety of motor controllers (e.g. Prior, Märzhauser, Ludl, Zeiss via MTB server), and can even control a mix of these.


Zeiss V20 with DeltaPix software and microscope camera

Minimum System requirements:

• Intel I5 (quad core) CPU • 4 GB of RAM • 15 GB of free disk space • Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 • A high-resolution monitor DeltaPix InSight works with Windows 32 and 64-bit versions.

Recommended System requirements:

• Intel I7 6th gen or newer • 8 GB of RAM or more • SSD drive 120GB or more • Graphic Card Nvidia GT 1030 or better • Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 • A high-resolution monitor DeltaPix InSight works with Windows 32 and 64-bit versions.

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