Digital Optical Measurement systems

Modus Tec - Digital Optical measurement system

This high quality and affordable digital optical measurement system are designed to enable the user to make very precise measurements on relatively large objects, by use of telecentric optics, high-resolution cameras, and DeltaPix InSight software. This includes image capture, manual extended depth of focus, docu-mentation and traceable report generation as required by industrial, scientific and biomedical applications.

Modus Tec – HDMI - Digital Optical measurement system

This high quality, ultra-precise, and affordable digital optical measurement system is designed to enable the user to make very precise measurements on small objects. By use of telecentric optics and a high-resolution HDMI camera with build-in measurement function, there is no need for an external computer.

Digital microscope for measurement

A digital microscope with high-quality optics is a very effective measurement tool for many applications where precision is important. A Digital microscope for measurement is a user-friendly and cost-effective alternative to a traditional measurement microscope.

Applications in which a DeltaPix Digital measurement microscope is suited for:

  • High precision measurement and analysis.
  • Documentation of work.
  • Quality control and verification.
  • All kinds of research.

Benefits of using a Digital microscope for measurement:

  • User-friendly plug and play interface.
  • Easy sharing and cooperation with colleagues, suppliers and customers.
  • Repeatable results.
  • Ideal for training and education.
  • Very ergonomic to work with.